Friday, April 19, 2019

A Guide to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is federally funded and administered locally by housing authorities. The rules and regulations are determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as approved by the U.S. Congress. The program provides rental assistance that is paid directly to landlords on behalf of low-income families residing in approved rental units. Once a family is determined eligible for assistance and receives a Housing Choice Voucher (voucher), the family must find an acceptable rental unit. After a rental unit is selected, the family and the landlord complete and return the paperwork provided to the family by the Housing Authority. Then, the Housing Authority must approve the rent, approve the owner, approve the location, inspect and approve the unit, and sign a contract with the landlord. Finally, the family must sign a lease with the property owner with the same terms and conditions as the contract.

The landlord will collect two payments each month—one from the Housing Authority and the
other from the family. The assistance the family receives is based on the family’s income, the
number of bedrooms on the voucher and in the unit, and the rent and utilities paid by the family.
The family pays a minimum of 30 percent of its monthly-adjusted income for rent and utilities.
However, the family may not pay more than 40 percent of its monthly-adjusted income for rent
and utilities at the time the unit is initially approved. To continue to receive assistance, the family must follow the rules of the program. If the family fails to comply with program requirements, such as failing to pay rent for any reason, the family’s participation in the program may be terminated and/or the family may be required to repay assistance provided on behalf of the family. The program provides for family mobility and the family is entitled to transfer its voucher anywhere in the United States that has a Housing Authority to administer the family’s assistance.


A Three-Way Partnership

The three-way partnership within the Section 8 HCV Program is between the Housing Authority, the tenant, and the landlord.


Your Responsibilities. An important responsibility is to always keep the Housing Authority up-to-date on your household status. In other words, the Housing Authority must be notified whenever there is a change in your household income, composition, or assets. Failure to report a change within 14 days of its occurrence may result in termination of your rental assistance benefits and/or repayment of housing assistance payments.
When in doubt, call your housing representative!!

Rules And Policies You Must Follow
Your participation in the rental assistance program may be terminated if you or any member of your household commit any of the following violations:

·         Fail to allow the Housing Authority to inspect your unit at a reasonable time after you have received reasonable notice;
·         Commit serious or repeated violations of the lease;
·         Fail to notify the Housing Authority and the property owner (landlord), in writing, at least 30-days before you move out of your unit;
·         Fail to promptly give the Housing Authority a copy of any eviction notice received from the property owner (landlord);
·         Reside in another residence other than the assisted unit;
·         Allow people not approved by the Housing Authority to reside in your unit. The Housing Authority must approve any new residents before they move in and you must report immediately if anyone moves out of your unit;
·         Fail to notify and receive approval of the Housing Authority prior to taking in a foster child or a live-in aide;
·         Fail to receive Housing Authority and the property owner’s approval before engaging in legal profit making business activities in the unit. These activities by family members may be allowed if they are incidental to the primary use of the residence;
·         Sublease, assign, transfer, or otherwise re-rent the unit. You may not rent out rooms in the unit;
·         Withhold rent without Housing Authority knowledge and permission.
·         Fail to supply any information or certification requested by the Housing Authority to verify that (1) your family is living in the unit, or (2) your family is absent from the unit, including any information or certification on the reason(s) for the absences. The Housing Authority must be notified within fourteen (14) days of any absence from the unit;
·         Own or have any financial interest in the unit (except for mobilehome owners);
·         Receive other federal, state, or local housing subsidies for the unit;
·         Fail to (1) supply any information that the Housing Authority or HUD deems to be necessary, (2) disclose and verify social security numbers, (3) sign and submit consent forms for obtaining information, and (4) notify the Housing Authority in writing when the family is away from the unit for an extended period of time;
·         Provide information that is untrue and/or incomplete;
·         Commit fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with the program;
·         Participate in illegal drug or violent criminal activity;
·         Rent a unit from an owner who is your, or any member of your family’s, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister or brother, unless you receive Housing Authority approval that the unit would provide reasonable accommodation for a family member with disabilities. This rule only applies to new admissions and moves.
Grounds For Termination
Grounds for termination include, but are not limited to, violation of any items set forth in this section or the sections on Zero Tolerance for crime, drugs, drug trafficking, gangs, and/or property damage. The Housing Authority may deny program assistance for an applicant, or terminate program assistance for a participant, for any of the reasons listed below:
·         If the family violates any family obligations;
·         If any member of the family has ever been evicted from public housing;
·         If any member of the family participates in illegal drug or violent criminal activity, including sexual offenses;
·         If any member of the family commits fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal acts in connection with any federal housing program;
·         If the family currently owes any money to the Housing Authority or another Housing Authority in connection with Section 8 or Public Housing Programs;
·          If the family breaches an agreement with the Housing Authority to pay amounts owed to a Housing Authority, or amounts paid to an owner by a Housing Authority;
·         If the family engaged in or threatened abusive or violent behavior toward Housing Authority personnel;
·         If there are serious or repeated violations of the lease.
·         If the family fails to pay or withholds its portion of the rent for any reason.

Zero Tolerance Of Drugs, Crime, and Gangs
The Housing Authority maintains a policy of zero tolerance for gang activity, violent activity, sexual crimes, illegal drug activity, or fraud involving public monies. This means that the commission of
a crime such as fraud, bribery or theft, or any acts of violence, sexual offenses, or drug activity,
whether or not they are gang related, will not be tolerated.
·         Fraud. Any attempt at fraud, intentional deceit, or bribery as it relates to any government funds, is grounds for termination from the program.
·         Drug use. The Housing Authority may terminate assistance for possession and/or use of a controlled substance by any family member or guest.
·         Drug sales (trafficking) or manufacture. The manufacture, sale, distribution, or the possession with intent to manufacture, sell, or distribute a controlled substance (as defined in Section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act [21 U.S.C. 802]) is strictly prohibited.
·         Alcohol/Personal Use of a Controlled Substance. The Housing Authority will deny participation in the program in cases where the Housing Authority determines there is reasonable cause to believe that the person is illegally using a controlled substance, or abuses alcohol in a way that may interfere with the health, safety or right to peaceful occupancy by other residents. This includes cases where the Housing Authority determines that there is a pattern of illegal use of a controlled substance, or of alcohol abuse.
·         Gangs. Gang activity by any family member will not be tolerated.
·         Violence. Violence of any kind is strictly prohibited. There will be no tolerance for the use or threatened use of physical force against any individual inside or outside the residence. This includes assault, battery, child abuse, domestic violence, murder, or any other kind of violence against another person or their property.
·         Sex Crimes. Sexual offenses are prohibited.

Informal Hearing Process

If the Housing Authority sends a "Notice of Termination" to you, the notice will contain
a brief explanation of the reasons for termination of program participation. You have 14 days from the date of the notice to request an informal hearing if you disagree with the notice. You must request an informal hearing in writing and state why you are requesting an informal hearing. At the hearing, you will be given an opportunity to present written or oral objections. The hearing officer will notify you of the final decision and provide a brief explanation for the decision.
You may request an Informal Hearing to discuss any of the following issues:

·         A determination of the family's annual or adjusted income and the use of such income to compute the housing assistance payment.
·         A determination of the appropriate utility allowance for tenant-paid utilities from the Housing Authority utility allowance schedule.
·         A determination of the family unit size under the Housing Authority subsidy standards.
·         A determination to terminate assistance for a participant family because of the family's action or failure to act.
·         A determination to terminate assistance because the participant family has been absent from the assisted unit for a period of time that is greater than 30 consecutive days.
Annual Activities
Annual Recertification
HUD requires that all families be reviewed annually to determine continued program eligibility
and the appropriate amount of assistance. This process is called the annual “recertification.”
Approximately eight months after you are first approved for assistance, you will receive a
recertification letter and packet from the Housing Authority. It is important that you promptly
complete and return your packet and all requested information by the deadline. If you fail to
return the requested information by the deadline, you will be notified that your assistance will be
terminated. It is important that you promptly contact your housing authority representative if
you receive a notice to terminate benefits.

Annual Inspection
The Housing Authority must inspect your housing unit at least annually. Approximately eight months after you are first approved for assistance, you will be notified by letter or telephone of the date and time of your annual inspection. It is your responsibility to make sure that the head of household or spouse is available to allow the inspector to enter the premises. You must cooperate to avoid an interruption in or termination of your housing assistance. The inspector may not be able to answer questions regarding your case. You should contact your assigned housing representative to report changes in your situation or to ask questions about your case.
Interim Review
Certain changes in your status may require a review by the Housing Authority. A review of your
eligibility and the level of your benefits may take place when your household composition or
your income changes. In addition, the Housing Authority may review your status when it
receives information indicating that you have violated your program obligations.
Enterprise Income Verification System
Income and employment information reported by assisted households is compared to the income
and employment information reported to HUD’s Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System.
If there is a discrepancy between the income and employment information reported by you to the
Housing Authority and the income and employment information reported to HUD’s EIV System
by employers and agencies providing benefits, the Housing Authority will research the
discrepancies and take the appropriate action if it is found that income and employment
information was not reported, underreported, or reported late. The action that will be taken as a
result of unreported or underreported income may include termination of program participation
and/or repayment of overpaid housing assistance benefits.
Moving Procedures
Before you move, you must notify the Housing Authority and the landlord in compliance with state law and the lease. The Housing Authority must approve your move in advance and the Housing Authority will not transfer your assistance more than once in a 12-month period.
Follow these steps to transfer your assistance:
- After your lease term and with Housing Authority approval, give your landlord an
advance thirty to sixty (30-60) day written notice as required by State law and send a copy to your housing representative.
- If your landlord gives you notice to move, send a copy to your housing representative
right away. The Housing Authority does not advise on tenant-landlord law. If you believe your notice is deficient and you intend to not comply with the notice, you should seek legal advice and notify the Housing Authority of your intention.
- Make sure all of your belongings are removed from your unit by the end of the notice
- Leave the unit clean and in good condition.
- Never allow yourself to be evicted because you may lose your assistance.
The Housing Authority must conduct a criminal history and sex offender background check before your rental assistance can be started in a new location.
Deciding where you want to live.
As you search for suitable housing, try to select a place that meets your family's needs because
you must remain at the new location at least one year. Here are some suggestions to consider:
 Schools. If you have school-aged children, consider the various school districts that are available,
as well as the distance from the housing unit to the school.
 Safety. Consider the neighborhood and its surroundings. Avoid high crime areas.
 Work. Consider the distance between your workplace and the location of the housing unit.
 Child Care. Consider child care availability in the area of the housing unit. If you work, what is
the distance between the housing unit, the child care provider, and your work location?
 Public Transportation. If you do not have a vehicle, what is the access to public transportation in
the area of the housing unit?
 Premises and Neighborhood. Is there a place for children to play outside safely? Is the unit in a
high crime area? What is the general condition of the neighborhood? Are you close to essential
services (e.g., medical, police, fire)? Is there a church nearby? Is there adequate parking for you
and your guests? Is the area/building well lit at night?
 If you live in a high-poverty area, you should consider searching for a housing unit in another
area. A low-poverty area may provide possible advantages to your family, such as improved
employment and educational opportunities.
New Unit
- Pay the full security deposit and your portion of the rent to your new landlord.
- All moving costs and utility hookup charges are your responsibility.
- The initial lease period must be for a minimum of six (6) months.
- The Housing Authority will not transfer your assistance more than once in a 12-month
period, so make sure that you are willing to stay at least one year.
- The Housing Authority cannot begin assistance on a new unit until it inspects and passes
the unit and executes a contract with the landlord. If you move into a unit before this is
done, you are responsible for full rent until the unit is approved.
Portability. Portability is the HUD term for the ability to move outside your housing agency's jurisdiction with continued rental assistance.
 You can usually use your voucher across town or anywhere in the United States that has a housing authority to accept your voucher. The Housing Authority may limit moves under portability, so contact your housing representative regarding the portability feature.
Facts About Portability. Keep in mind that different housing authorities may have different policies and deadlines. Different housing authorities may have different voucher payment standards and utility allowances that could affect the amount you pay for rent. You may also receive a different size voucher based on the new housing authority’s occupancy standards. As a new admission to the program, you may find you are not eligible for assistance in another jurisdiction due to different income limits. It is important that you find this out before you take advantage of portability. Portability and FSS. If you are
participating in a Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program, make sure that you discuss your move with your housing representative. If you cannot fulfill your FSS obligations in the new location, your FSS contract may be terminated and you may lose your escrow balance.
Inspection Checklist
It is necessary for the unit where you plan to receive rental assistance pass a housing quality standards (HQS) inspection before payments will be made. The unit will also need to pass inspection each year for rental assistance payments to continue. A failed inspection could delay the start of payments or endanger the continuation of payments. You must notify your housing representative if your landlord fails to make repairs within a reasonable period of time to conditions that affect the habitability of your assisted unit.
The Housing Authority will inspect the following eight areas for Housing Quality Standards (HQS)
·         Living Room
·         Kitchen
·         Bathroom(s)
·         Other Rooms Used for Living
·         Secondary Rooms
·         Building Exterior
·         Heating and Plumbing
·         General Health and Safety
·         Garage
·         Outbuildings


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